Jason Statham martial arts

Jason Statham (steɪθəm stay-thəm; born 26 July 1967) is an English actor , competitive diver ,producer, martial artist and former model. The earliest by director Gaye Ricci’s crime film “Two Smoking Barrels” and “snatch” open visibility. Jason also often in many American film roles, such as “the one”, “Italy mission”, and starred in “the transporter […]

Sammo Hung 洪金宝

Sammo Hung (born 7 January 1952), also known as Hung Kam-bo (洪金寶), is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, film producer and director, known for his work in many martial arts films and Hong Kong action cinema. He has been a fight choreographer for, amongst others, Jackie Chan, King Hu and John Woo. 洪金宝,香港著名演员及电影人,是20世纪80年代香港影坛的“大哥大”、“杂家小子”。洪金宝对电影的涉猎很广,曾经担任的工作包括演员、武术指导、电影导演、电影监制、编剧、以及龙虎武师。 Hung […]